Posted by LXH
Just spent quite some time in camp, sleeping, mostly. Had a lot of time to do my translation, and a lot of time to reflect upon myself. Had fantastic dreams of togetherness, happiness but also a sense of loss, longing for old friends. Thanked Him many times for this wholesome experience (even though there are some not so wholesome things dotted here and there). I guess few can say that he/she has had a complete life at an age like mine. Or maybe it's not even near completion. So much to see. So much to feel!
There are a few people that I miss particularly right now. People I loved, people I wish and would be happy to spend a life with. Unfortunately, it is to be decided that I can't spend my life with them (at least not for now). I just wish to use this opportunity to express my appreciation for them for bringing me through a part of my life. If any of them need assistance in any form, I would definitely help to the best of my abilities. Hahahahahahaha! I won't list down those people as the list is rather long. But you should know who you are, you should.
Went out for dinner with Dad. The restaurant is rather expensive and tastes just average. Not worth noting. However, I got a few shots done and I'll upload it another time.
Anyway, some text I saw today that I thought was rather meaningful and related to what I talked about above. It is sort of a life philosophy, a way to treat life itself. I don't agree with it totally but I am moved by its content. Oh and I agree more to its way of treating friendship rather than its way of treating love. If I were to treat love the way it says I should, I would be a really lonely person indeed. No pain, no gain. No hurt, and you won't be loved either. Here it is:
I decided to delete them in the end. Some texts are meant to trigger a certain type of emotion. I don't want to those emotions to be triggered in you because after reading them, you really start to feel old...