Posted by LXH
Never give up, never give in. I always take that as one of my motto in life. Yet now it seems that there's no way I can keep up. Things just seem to rain on me. For every success, there's two failures lurking in the corner. I successfully fixed the foosball table yet now I risk my EMERGE 2012 entries. Studying is going well but my progress is slower than expected...
To succeed in something, you need to learn to give up and give in. That seems to be the rule of the game. But what is truly important? What is the one thing that worth giving up everything else for? My parents seem to believe that it is "success", in other word, the ability to earn money. I set my eyes on friendship and relationship, because they are the things that support me. And a variety of other people has their own priorities. Personally, I don't see any right and wrongs here. One man's meat is another man's poison, as someone often tell me. Everyone has their own favorites, though lately, I am starting to see my parents' wisdom or rather, practicality. And too, the complexity of my own pursuit. Nothing's simple anymore, like somebody, don't like somebody, what you know, what you don't know. To maintain the status of "liked", there are many things I must do, many things I must know. Yet most of these can be achieved with money.
Well, this is something that I will have to figure out myself. And I guess, for you to figure out too.