


230213, an extremely eventful day with a somewhat derpy start. In fact, And I am not even sure if that is the right words...


The story started with two guests of my father. They came to visit and I was told to drive them around. They are consisting of a 4 year old little girl... wait for it (when this story was told verbally, about half the people hearing it started assuming that I'm a pedophile at this point)... his 40 year old dad which was fine, alright, I'll just bring them to like underwater world and perhaps use them as target practice. Child photography, that's new. I was busy that day so I told me father to give me a head's up on exactly when and where they want to go as early as possible so I can arrange with my friends who are having lunch with me. If he no longer requires my services, then just don't call. "Alright," he said, "they are going at about 10 and I'll give you a call beforehand".

Till that point, everything was fine. The next day, 10:30 am, I received no call whatsoever. I assumed I'm off the job and intended to wait a while before preparing to go out with my friends. However, at about 10:35, my dad called and asked me whether I can send the guests... -_-... Oh well, I complained a bit but eventually, decided to help. Hey, I'm a good son! Hahahahahahahaha! I drove to his office to pick up the tickets he bought. But when I arrived, he told me that I can go on meeting my friend, he'll bring them to the Sentosa cable car centre... TROLOLOLOL!

Oh well...


ANYWAY! Went to Island Creamery and a western restaurant at the first floor Serene Centre after. The restaurant is pretty small and unassuming. The food is cheap, nice looking and taste really good. The cook is a 60+ year old Caucasian with a giant beard. Whenever he's not cooking, he'll come out and greet his customers. Nice man and nice food, what more can you ask?


After that, it was the high high high highlight of the day, Chingay 2013! After much data gathering, I figured out two groups that I need to look out for. First is a Tai Chi group. They are the first to act, wearing white shirt and red sneakers. My friend's parents are inside. And then, the Chinese dance group with XiaoQi performing. Actually seeing the people I'm looking for is unlikely, there are 3 sectors stretching 120m. Still, a mission is a mission. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED (and failed...)!

70-200 2.8L IS is a beast of a lens. Really heavy though...

Pre-Chingay Performances

Stalked a member of this group to this location. But it seems that there are smaller groups even within this one performance.

Invaded the preparation area and got chased out right before the performance begins.

Kid, want a candy?

This picture sums up Singapore's racial harmony perfectly!


Chingay 2013, Main Events:

The troops have already started to enter from the other side, a quick landscape before I begin!

Most dancers for per-show in front of me are the NUS dancers.

Wasted too many shots here. I regret that...

Stabby stabby!

These dancers look really similar... So similar that I don't know if I am actually taking picture of the same person... Probably is though, due to the numerous well... undesirable subjects in the background.

That guy in front to the left look really serious. I mean... I'm-killing-people serious.


Love that light above their heads. Hahahahaha! It really seems as if they descended from above.

These flags nearly smacked those who seat in the front 3 rows, namely, me...

The left half has too many distractions, a.k.a a pair of random legs.

Don't quite like this picture actually. The beautiful colors of her dress is completely overwhelmed by the deep purple lighting...

How did this picture not get removed? It's nothing spectacular, male, and not looking at me... Eh...

Favorite picture of the day! Truly, fire in snow!

And that's something you don't see every day!

And your picture, XiaoQi: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?trgddpmnx6c696a. Tell me if you want any other full sized picture!