Posted by LXH
There is a lot to talk about today. The strange lunch, the un-photographic. The occasionally eccentric me. However, at this hour, I don't wish to talk about that. I wish to talk about something less pleasant, the failures of me.
It is not nice to talk about them directly here, professional confidentiality. However, I am beating myself on some somewhat unsuccessful pictures. Don't be mistaken, they do look nice. I am just hating myself for disliking my work. I also wish to cast some degree of uncertainty to what I thought I have already somewhat known.
I guess maybe this is why I have strictly let my photography stayed as hobby. Having a responsibility over it does help it grow, but this responsibility also kills the passion to some degree. Often, I can comfortably sit back and enjoy the ride, let my camera take me to places, try the weird or the strange. But when there is a responsibility, I must fall back on what have been experimented on and proven working. Don't strictly enjoy that part. I need practice, practice and more practice! I try to take up every chance coming my way. Yet, it is not enough... yet.
I thought I know at least to some degree about stage photography. Turns out that I still know too little... I wonder if one year of practice would be enough... Only time will tell. Oh how I wish to record one of her most beautiful moment! Letting my skill level getting in the way is simply... Not acceptable. Not the least bit acceptable.
The pressure is on. And a part of me is stirring as well. This is a challenge. And I will meet any challenge head on, with full passion and love.