A sudden thought. We are an extremely disgusting race. Those who are perfectly find device a standard of being "fine". Then they go around to all those who do not meet that standard and give encouragements. Give them that little bit of boost needed so they can persist in their lacking, for the entertainment of those who meet that standard. So that when those "higher" beings feel down, they can remind themselves that they are so much superior.

Isn't it cruel? When I person has lost all hope in life, when he believes that there is nothing more other than the end of the road waiting for him down at this long winding tunnel, someone comes along and comfort him. Knowing perfectly well that after this session of soothing, he'll be right back where he was. He might not be as hopeless as before but, suffering all the same. Won't it be a kindness to leave him be, to leave nature to its course. I wonder.

Why this, you may ask? Because I've seen so much pointless community outreaches. A one off, make them feel good event that do nothing but remind those who are doing it: HEY, I AM NOT IN THAT TIGHT A SPOT. To say it is a community outreach, I would rather call it a ourselves outreach. To reach out to ourselves. To feel good. Giving is merely a method.


Recess week, a quarter of school is now over. It seemed so far when I lusted for it and now, it hit me like a brick wall travelling at 200km/h. Lots of work to catch up, both in and out of school. First thing first, some crazy pano. The picture itself comes at 6898x13039, arguably not the largest pano I've done. However, this time, it is done through a 100mm macro which means this is more or less one of the most number of shots I've ever combined: 20.

I think I should try something more exciting next time... Hm...

Here it is. Of course, this is a miniaturized version. Or else it'll take forever to load this 42.4MB photo through your abysmal bandwidth. Ha!

I am... A little depressed. Missing my girlfriend is only one of the many causes. While I try to hold on, things seem to be slowly but certainly spinning out of my hand. I am not terribly good at drawing and it is constantly bugging me. I am not in a position where I wish to be and that crushes my heart. I need to be better than what I am now, for her if not for me.

And suddenly, she told me. She doesn't need anything other than I and my heart.

With every prayer comes an answer, every outcry an embrace. And with that anchoring my heart. Go on.

Sometimes, even you like what you do, things stress you out. Spent a long time drawing outline of objects transitioning into one another. Then I took a break by doing some poster work. Now, I'm taking a break from the poster to sand some acrylic sheets. And to break the monotony, listen to some interesting sci-fi fiction.

Don't be mistaken, life as such is fulfilling. And it is definitely not monotonous. Even when I feel a little bored, I can always have a relaxing chat with my girlfriend. I am just tired. My brain's just been constantly running for some time. Popping out ideas may felt natural to me but they still drain energy. Even monotonous work requires concentration which can be draining.

Well, done complaining, time to continue the work.

The following is a prayer that I happen to type into this post, if you would not like to see it or would likely to react negatively to spiritual displays, please skip this marked out section and read on. If you do wish to read through, please do not give any form of comment. And finally, if you are so kind, pray with me. Many threads are always stronger than one. Hahahahahaha! Thank you.
Dear Lord. First of all, I would like to thank you for the multitude of blessings you have bestowed on me. Once and again, I felt extremely grateful for your promise that I can go forth. Though occasionally it does slip away from me, I can always remember You and Your word with even the simplest of prayer. It has given me relief and confidence in time when I saw no way out. I thank you. I also thank you for another promise that I have often wrongly remembered, one about prayer. That when I pray, it will always be answered, as long as I do not pray selfishly. Though I have forgotten it for a long time, this sudden remembrance made me know. This prayer will come to pass. It may not be immediate, but it will.

Just like You said, there is season to everything. Season to sow, season to reap. Season to endure the winter cold, season to run under the summer heat. And no matter how dark this season may be, it will run its course, serve its purpose and be over. In this season of going forth, you have given me achievements beyond my expectations, training that truly stretch me and most importantly, a love that will last a lifetime. And I am here to pray for her. I have no idea what is Your season for her right now. Perhaps it is a season of strain and stretch, maybe one of growth and climbing. It doesn't matter because I know there is a reason for every season.

Everyone is born with amazing talents in various areas. We started equal. While some laze and relax, others fan this amber of passion into a fiery blaze of amazing abilities. And with such development, You reward them. Not gold nor fame, You move more hurdles in their paths so they can be pulled and grown into mighty timbers that stand high. She is one of them, I know. You have given her passions and talents, abilities that gave her the capacity to reach higher oh Lord. And I pray, that in this time of pulling, she'll have unrelenting strength and a crystal mind oh Lord. I pray that as she sleep, every bit of tiredness is washed away by Your gentle love so she will enter a brand new day full of energy. I pray that her mind, with every rest, ever more acute. So she can master all that she need to learn. Oh I pray oh Lord, for the best of plans to unfold and for the best of stories to have when she turns old. I know, that she will endure. And I know, that she will unfold Your plan.

With this prayer, I wish to again, give thanks. You have already paved the way and set things in motion. Prayer is timeless, it is not limited by before and after. I do not expect this prayer to be answered. I only wish it would be in line with Your plans. It is because only Your plans are perfect. You use the weak to teach the strong, the senseless to confound the wise. For Your weakness is greater than our strength and your foolishness greater than our intelligence.

In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Right! Now, the BBQ of ID 2013/2014! Honest opinion, this is THE best BBQ I've ever been to. A great fire, check. Near limitless food, check. Perhaps the only thing lacking is a reserve of really light beer to go with the smoky food. Anyway, enjoy the photos and you can enlarge them by clicking on them.
Smoke photography. Never expected to find a chance here. Ha!
Live volcano, Mt. BBQ
"They are not dying... They are dead!" Oh man, I was so evil.
We must thank Mr. Steady to organize this really steady BBQ with steady food and entertainment. Thank you, you are a great class chairman!
Like I said, great entertainment.
Uncle, 来两串satay. Chicken的. 少盐!
Steadily deploying his muscle power.
Oh yea!
Oh yea
Cristiano Ronaldo's on
The young lady everyone's chasing throughout the whole BBQ because she's the one with the cooked food.
I became full purely from eating satay.
Testimony to the steady flow of food.
More satay.
Also need to thank Ms. Xin Yuan for cooking and serving us through the entire BBQ. The long service award goes to her.
Entertainment in action.
Star of the night

Had a blast! Sincere gratitude to all those who made this possible and apology to those whose pictures didn't make it up here one reason or another.

Peace and love and... MORE ROASTED MEAT!