I have always disliked major holidays, especially ones packed full with meanings that require other people to complete. Reunions, gatherings, stuff like that.

Maybe I am just a little too good at taking perspectives. I never failed to see the darker side in every happy day. All Chinese New Year reminds me is how alone I am, in this country and in this world. There is no one who will not eventually walk out of my life (or the other way round). There is no one who can celebrate every joy or sorrow with me. There is no one who can come close to understanding me. There is no one who will not disappoint me. There is none.

If one has never tasted joy, he will not know the extent of his sorrow. Only through joy we see pain. Yet without pain, we may never experience joy.

What hateful creatures we are.

I dislike major holidays. I dislike January. Especially this one.
