Been lollygagging for some time already, taking some pictures here and there, relaxing in general. It is about time that I start doing something before I get dumb!

  1. Physical training. In preparation of NSTT and to improve myself.
  2. Industrial Design readings. I need to start reading some books right now. To secure a future doing what I want to do with the person I wish to be with, money is required. Though ID is said to be a project oriented, discipleship-like course, some pre-reading.
  3. Must complete the stamp thingy ASAP.
  4. So is Nat's blog skins.
Shall go exercise now.

Just a sudden thought about an interesting question:
What if something we normally associated as extreme negative loses all its cost to others?

For example, if anyone someone kills get revived in let's say, 3 days. All the cost of murder will be reduced to just 3 day worth of time wasted. I think the punishment associated with murder will also be reduced, to maybe a fine, or public service. The usual punishment of murder just won't hold. A life sentence when the person will just come back and visit me 3 days later? That's unreasonable!

Though I also expect a rise in "death" rate since death is something one can be careless about.

Interesting. What do you think?

Had a lot of fun today flying kites and eating ramen. Here are the synopsis, just like the synopsis of a movie. Whoever invented the idea of "synopsis" is a genius, it shows people how much a movie rocks or more often, sucks.

KK: What are you looking at?
HF: The future, Kenneth, the future!

Dum! Dum! Dum! Dum! Batman!

A group of cheer leaders taking photos.

Then, we went to Ramen Champion for dinner. It is a really fun restaurant. Unlike usual eateries, it is made up of 6 different ramen selling shops. All shops try to make the best ramen to compete for the final ownership of the place. And their ramen is really great! Fantastic,tasteful broth, bouncy noodles, tender pork and runny egg. Really enjoyed the food there and I will probably go back when I have the chance. Besides, it is interesting to see who wins eventually.

And finally, a picture of Ho Fai for randomness.

Right. Not very much a food photography post actually. The environment is so dark that taking picture is really difficult. More so if you want to take decent shots.

Click to enlarge.

Just find this picture very representative of the place. The food is only maybe slightly above average.

Bokeh! Bokeh! The faces are just add ons.

A good place to go out at night and bitch chat about life.

And I just expanded my list of restaurants. Singapore is quite an eating paradise!

Process of drowning.

Fear, attempts to escape, attempts to break trap, attempts to find pockets of air.

Fake death/breath holding, stopping of large movement, staying below water surface, hoping to survive by endurance.

Hypoxic Convulsions, violent jerks due to lack of oxygen and consciousness.



Well, killed a rat today. Don't enjoy the process but it must be done so to control the size of the rat colony near guardroom. As days pass, more will be captured and drowned. It is survival of the fittest and we are clearly winning. Or are we?

Suddenly, I snapped back to what I was. Suddenly, a word flashed through my mind: "chill" with the calming voice of an old classmate.

Ha! Whenever something happens and is out of my ability, I panic. Glad everything's ok though. Hahahahaha!

Oh, and thanks to Li Shyan's comment, I'm adding push ups to my exercise scheme!

It is time to recover all my normal routines.


Yep, TED.

It is an awesome Youtube show. TED is an organisation that invite people to give talks about almost any topic under the sun. "Ideas worth spreading", as they say. Very often, the speakers are extremely inspiring and touch topics from wars to human/animal orgasms. The speakers are usually good public speakers too and can be deemed as role models in the area of speaking in public. Of course, there are less interesting speakers too, like the one in "Brain Magic". He demonstrated a list of magic tricks based on deceiving the brain by shifting audiences' attention. Yet he failed to explain the significance behind such actions.

Highly recommended for general knowledge and better, general knowledge delivered in an interesting way!


Sometimes I don't quite understand what are the thought process of parents. Example. My dad wants me to help out in some of his company work. I am reluctant because I don't want to have anything to do with it. I don't want to give him or any of his people the idea that I am the "next in line", the person who will take over him. However, if he explains why, the reason he wants my help, e.g. in need of man power, blah blah blah. I would be more than happy to help him.

However, seeing my reluctance, my parents decided to have another approach. Instead of explaining the reasons for the request, they started passing out votes of no confidence at me:

  • I am lazy.
  • I don't do proper "work" (in their mind, that involves studying or chores, the latter they refuse to let me do even when I ask for it).
  • I only game (which involves anything to do with computer) whole day.
  • I have no appreciation for hard work or the money earned by it.
  • I have failed in many things I do.
Honestly, what do they expect my reply to be? A sincere apology? Turning over a new leaf and "work"? Oh and by the way, I REALLY want to read Industrial Design course textbooks but NUS removed the list of texts and all my venues looking for those texts have currently failed me.

I chose to ignore them and I feel bad for doing so. I wish I can explain what I do to them like photography or Photoshop. But I don't do so because they'll (and they had, many times) pass negative comments about my work or simply write them off as "不务正业". I wish they would appreciate my hard work and give opinions, not negativity.

I try to understand them and agree with them most of the time but I see no effort of doing so on their behalf. Should I stop?

Ha... Adding on to an already difficult and tiring two weeks...


A fantastic cover by Christina Grimmie of I Dreamed A Dream featured in the movie Les Misérables. I have not yet watched it since I have no one to watch it with. However, I'll somehow find a way to get my hand on this one.

This song resonates with many memories of mine. Every so often, I dream of an entire life, from birth to death. Of course everything is rather hazy after I wake up, but what is always there is the disappointment of a life ending. It feels like someone questioning my right to live. "Why? Why must I end his life so I can get back to mine?" Not very nice.

Great song, heard it's a great movie, will watch it somehow.

A friend of mine has been sick for quite a while. Actually, I'm genuinely uncertain whether she's physically sick or just unhappy because of something I don't know. Anyway, I wish her to get well soon!

Currently suffering from brain-dead-ness, if there is such a word. There is no pain or whatsoever, just the inability to think or appreciate anything. I blame it on the lack of recent intelligent input. I need data! More pictures in my pocket, more photos to process, more chili and salt in my mouth.

Ah... Now I am satisfied! Ahahahahahaha!

Ha! For the first time, I determined to drink more than usual amount of alcohol. Can't say it's a bad experience but drinking in itself is not enjoyable at all. Maybe it's because I was preparing for worse and therefore made preparations, so I wasn't drunk. They were unnecessary and potentially hindered my enjoyment. Mmmm... Thoroughly enjoyed party though I'm the official photographer of the day. And it is the first time I depleted both the battery on my flash and my camera, oh and memory card too. Approximately 600 pictures were taken, mostly are repeated pictures during the dances which will be removed. Note to self: new camera battery and a new 64GB compact flash card should be purchased in view of potentially similar activities in future.

Anyway, I realized that under the influence of alcohol, my photographic skill (if I have any) experienced significant deterioration. Sharpness awareness of course dropped (expected and thus did not bring a manual lens), less aware of defects near edges too including chopping off limbs and inclusion of unnecessary subjects. Anyway, most of them turned out well.

Due to request, what to upload onto Facebook will be determined by Aaron.

Note to self: Need to improve environmental awareness and portrait techniques. Flash point up or back towards surface, be wary of mirrors. If were to reflect off walls, reflect off internal reflector first.

Alright! The download links and instructions:

These are the "glam" pictures:
(Above links stopped working due to stupid Mediafire. I'll upload again on another website. Links will be up tmr morning.)
(These are new!)

Download all 6 parts then unpack them using 7-zip. It is a freeware. Just install, right click part 1 of 6, 7-zip, extract files.
Windows 7-zip:
Mac equivalence: (Ez7z) and (7zX)

These are the "unglam" pictures:
If you are interested, please contact me or Aaron over Facebook. I'll give you the password to it personally.

Have fun viewing them!

No idea why I used this title actually. Guardroom colleagues are a interesting bunch among all the people I know. We are close, but I can't really call them friends because I don't ever enter their private life. They are a group of people who breach the line I draw between acquaintances and friends. Definitely a fun bunch.
Today I explored a bit of flash photography. The way to go is to reflect off roof or the wall behind me. The head on approach should almost never be adopted. Anyway, enjoy.

Click to enlarge.

Story of the day, never use the attached reflector. In emergency, put on the dispersion filter and reflect on all walls in the room.

On second thought, I am much less satisfied with these photos of mine than I previously felt. Still, I am pretty proud of myself. Therefore, I took down a few pictures that I thought weren't so good.

Everything is perfect about this high key photo except... Lei Yang's arm! Perhaps a wider lens to include the rest of the arm too.

Taiwan is loosely translated as the Treasure Island (宝岛) to use mainlanders. Heh, sounds all pirate-ish and RPG-ish, don't you think so? Anyway, since we are planning to go there this coming May, I figure it is best to start planning an itinerary right now.

I already have a few itineraries with me. However, I do not wish to completely follow any of them since they are.... not mine. And for future references, I also wish to record down the process of my itinerary's creation. Ok let's start.


  1. Location

    It is very important to first list interesting places that I wish to go. As it's a place with a primary language of Chinese, I searched using Chinese.

    A decision was made that some famous tourist attractions that has nothing interesting besides political importance should be skipped. Simply because they look boring like hell. It's like Tiananmen Square without Tiananmen... It's then just a bloody concrete square.

    National Palace Museum (台北故宫) seem genuinely interesting.

    Ning Xia Road Night Market (宁夏夜市) don't seem all that good but it is one of the few locations where night activities are considered viable since none of us will probably be interested in places like karaoke,night club, bar or perhaps brothel. Self equipment reminder: carbon pills, antacid.

    胡须张卤肉饭 was suggested as eatery.

    士林夜市 and 深坑夜市 and 师大夜市 were suggested as well.

    台北101 is almost a must. Suggested to go there for either sunrise or sunset. Self research reminder: enquire opening/closing hours.

    活虾之家 was suggested as eatery.

    日月潭 best for extremely early hour for morning mist. Would probably be a little bad for camera but hey, I'll bring portable drying agent.

    太鲁阁国家公园 another place that was said to have stunning view.

    合欢山 purely for sunrises. Wonder if we can find a place in 合欢山庄.

    阳明山国家公园 another location supposedly known for its natural beauty and hot spring.

    台湾淡水渔人码头 another decent place to visit. Fishing village sorta thing.

    九份 was told that this should be a must go.

    野柳 is basically a place of weird rocks.

    北投温泉 hot spring.

    Slef note: 电话卡 and 悠游卡, telephone card and their version of ezlink.

    女巫店 seems like a nice eatery, weekend has performance but requires separate tickets.

    猫空缆车 will end up in a place to drink tea.

    袖珍博物馆 seems nice.

    春水堂 eatery, milk tea.

    龙山寺 interesting architecture.
  2. Similar Itineraries for living locations and such details.

    Aaron's one,
Yep, that's about all for now. Shall come back another day.