Had something equivalent to a 4AD guardroom cohesion today. It was quite fun, with all the people and things to do. Yet I have this strange feeling all the way though for some reason... Anyway, the pictures.

Typical David's style with slightly out of focus character and something happening.


There's honestly too much food available...

A DP worthy shot.

David's conceptual shot: Forever Alone.

Troll face.

My experimental product. Received not bad reviews.

Group shot!

It has been such a happening past week. Let me go through all the events one by one and hope I don't miss out on any.

First of all, I finally picked up my camera back up to do an extended shoot again. It feels really good and I did manage to get something that I am happy about. I realized that the ice skating ring in JCube is a really nice place to practice my manual focus.

I just realized moments ago how red this picture is. Maybe I shouldn't have upped the vibrancy... Hahaha!

The ice skating ring in JCube. It's pretty nice.

One of my manual focus practice shots. Getting better at it every moment. With f5.6, manual focus onto them is really quite simple.

First saw this stall in Darice's post, seems like a nice place.

MRT in the sunset. Next time I should stand closer to the track so they appear taller.

Balance... Actually right heavy due to the clouds...

The sunlight radiates outward like a beam of golden dust.

There is nothing better than a sunrise (sunset).

Alley besides my house.

God imbued the world with His beauty and through it, we can see Him. Hahahaha! That's one thing I am starting to belief.

Ok, now the slightly more controversial topic, Ptr. Kong. Well, I've heard both side of the story. Namely the supporter's side and the public's side. While I believe in law and investigations, I also believe that human can make mistakes or be swayed by subconscious opinions. Therefore, I think I will continue to believe in my pastor. Maybe I am wrong. In fact, many are almost saying it straight at my face that I am wrong and he is guilty. The only thing I can say is "Isaiah 3:10". It is His duty to judge, not us.

And someone found a young bird fallen in the depo. Had the chance to look after it for about a day or so. Learned how to feed young birds, a useful skill to have in future. 

And finally, I just finished ME3 extended cut DLC. While it indeed provide some degree of closure and explanation, I am still disappointed. It is like this grand banquet with sucky desert... It just sucks...

I am struggling in many areas right now. Church, camp, photography, gaming. Don't be mistaken. I am doing well. Just that I am not happy no matter what I do... Ah... This is irritating...

Having a lot of "another life" dreams recently. I don't know if this only happens to me but so far I've not heard of anyone dreaming anything similar (the experience is pretty unique so I believe people will talk about it if they had similar dreams... I guess...). It is like experiencing a totally different life, not a replay of something that has happened before or a combination of things that has happened. It is completely new. It is so hard to put into words that I must use Chinese here. Hope you get it.


莎士比亚曾说过:All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 这些梦境就好像是一个剧本的多个版本,而多个我在多个剧目中各自运转。全新的人,全新的故事。阳光下伊人与我的早餐。深夜中友人与我的闲聊。哈哈哈哈哈!那些梦中美丽的瞬间,我会记住。也许有一天,我真的会看到它们吧。

Having a really bad headache right now... Bad enough for me to blog about it... Uh...

Just had an enlightenment about what it means by "trusting in God". In other word, it means to let go what you can't control, a.k.a "pray and forget". As I recently happened to annoyed a friend by attempting to encourage her, I am more and more harassed by the fact that I am powerless. There are simply too many things in life that are beyond my calculation. In time like this, when things are beyond my realm, that means that the only thing I can rely on is His providence. Thus, I must pray about it and it is pointless to attempt to wrestle what is beyond me after praying. Pray, then forget. Trust in Him that Jehova Jireh (He will provide). Trust in Him that the message has reached Him and He will provide no matter the form of this providence.

Hahahaha! It is funny how things like this comes to me almost only when my belief is shaken.

Not in a mood for talking today. I hate to inconvenient a friend, even with good intentions. Or maybe there's some misunderstanding? Is avoidance necessary? Shall be more careful next time.

Ha... To think I am now this nervous interacting with girls... Or maybe it's just interacting with anyone I care about. Paternal instinct I guess. They all do behave like kiddos after all.

Anyway, the final submission of Evolve - Social Issues.

Heh... Couldn't think of anything more creative than smoking and I was in a rush. This is a really really hard topic, to show a process (evolve) and to include some form of social issue. Was thinking of using wide angle to include maximum information but in the end, showing the entire process in a single photo simply doesn't seem to work out. The theme will be too diluted. Anyway, the standard of the competition really seems not to be there... Well. I shall wait for the results I guess.

Accomplished many things yet feels as if I've done nothing today... What a bad day.

Never give up, never give in. I always take that as one of my motto in life. Yet now it seems that there's no way I can keep up. Things just seem to rain on me. For every success, there's two failures lurking in the corner.  I successfully fixed the foosball table yet now I risk my EMERGE 2012 entries. Studying is going well but my progress is slower than expected...

To succeed in something, you need to learn to give up and give in. That seems to be the rule of the game. But what is truly important? What is the one thing that worth giving up everything else for? My parents seem to believe that it is "success", in other word, the ability to earn money. I set my eyes on friendship and relationship, because they are the things that support me. And a variety of other people has their own priorities. Personally, I don't see any right and wrongs here. One man's meat is another man's poison, as someone often tell me. Everyone has their own favorites, though lately, I am starting to see my parents' wisdom or rather, practicality. And too, the complexity of my own pursuit. Nothing's simple anymore, like somebody, don't like somebody, what you know, what you don't know. To maintain the status of "liked", there are many things I must do, many things I must know. Yet most of these can be achieved with money.

Well, this is something that I will have to figure out myself. And I guess, for you to figure out too.