I had so much I wanted to say when I begin this post. But once I started, I am out of words. Not that I forgot what I wished to say. I am just restricted by the invisible viewers of this blog. There are probably just a few, maybe 1? 5? Yet I subconsciously steer towards the political correct and the image that I usually try to portray. I can't be too whiny. I can't be too deep. I can't just drop all pretense and go crazy. There are just so many things this world doesn't accept.
Ha! You may be thinking that you would accept me no matter what I become. It is not true. There is a line. Everybody has a line for everybody else. Once that line is crossed, friendship is broken. I don't know your line, neither do you know mine. Therefore, we pretend to be something we are not to prevent crossing these arbitrary lines. Then, there is also ulterior motives. I want you to see me as a strong, powerful being. Thus I put up this image of seniority and superiority despite knowing that truth may in fact be the opposite. I smile precisely become I feel down. And of course, that was just an example.
Ah... Sometimes, life itself is just really disappointing. I see unmatched beauty. Amazing things beyond what I can describe. Yet when I look into your eyes, they are empty. I believe you feel the same with me. Therefore, I try my hardest to reach out to those who are interesting and understand, comprehend. I wish to know the beauty of you and the things you see. Ha! So have faith in yourself, even if you have lost all hopes, have faith in me that if you are my friend, you at the very least lead a really interesting life!