When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

A lovely quote. What if life throws you bile then? Every other day I am bombarded by hatred towards others, and sometimes, towards me. To others love maybe a feeling, to me, it is as difficult as a subject to be taught, understood and learned.

I am a fool. I should have sooner learned good from bad. I should have known that those who are loudest are not the rightest. As I slowly see this inky black, I felt lost. Those who are your dearest and meant best for you may not in fact do the best or show you the best. It is the natural defect of human being.

Now that I am already tainted, I can only say that I struggle for the better. To not pass on this hatred and pain that was passed on to me. To be someone better that she was or they were. To not let my future children be... me.

To all parents or to be parents out there. Every time, before you say or do anything in front of a child, ask yourself: are you passing on your hatred onto another innocent? If you are, then don't. You are destroying both yourself and another perfectly innocent human being. Thank you.
