Recess week, a quarter of school is now over. It seemed so far when I lusted for it and now, it hit me like a brick wall travelling at 200km/h. Lots of work to catch up, both in and out of school. First thing first, some crazy pano. The picture itself comes at 6898x13039, arguably not the largest pano I've done. However, this time, it is done through a 100mm macro which means this is more or less one of the most number of shots I've ever combined: 20.

I think I should try something more exciting next time... Hm...

Here it is. Of course, this is a miniaturized version. Or else it'll take forever to load this 42.4MB photo through your abysmal bandwidth. Ha!

I am... A little depressed. Missing my girlfriend is only one of the many causes. While I try to hold on, things seem to be slowly but certainly spinning out of my hand. I am not terribly good at drawing and it is constantly bugging me. I am not in a position where I wish to be and that crushes my heart. I need to be better than what I am now, for her if not for me.

And suddenly, she told me. She doesn't need anything other than I and my heart.

With every prayer comes an answer, every outcry an embrace. And with that anchoring my heart. Go on.

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