You see, I am not the luckiest of people. And that's sometimes an understatement. But at the same time, I am extremely blessed too. Thousands of times I am only left amazed by how much He has blessed me. And well, again with this time.

You see, it didn't start well. Sleeping late editing photos + waking up early to drive to camp means I'm pretty knocked out on arrival. Then the blessing started. Aaron helped me to cover my gate IC and Sim covered my sentry until I woke up. I am really thankful for their help. Would have been a disastrous day if it were not for them.

And there's another thing that's strange. I'm mounting 3 days! I didn't even know that before I arrived. Without enough cloth for change and stuff like that. I thought it would be a suffering. But I was wrong yet again. My duty was extremely relaxed. I had plenty of rest and was not over-worked at all.

However, my misfortune goes on further... Since I go off on Monday, I suddenly become part of Monday's muster parade and my hair was too long. @$#@#$... Hair's too long. I should have cut it the night before with my shaver but somehow, I didn't. Scolded and punished of course, but the punishment was light and I could use it to my advantage.

Oh and some tiny problem with keys. Not punished at all.

Hahahahahaha! A huge thank-you for everyone and my Lord who made all these possible.

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