It's been a while since I last write a post. I realized that I had just began another season of self-doubt and self-questioning. As I tend to sound overly emo during this period, I thought it would be best not to expose those crap online. Though lacking viewership, this is an open blog. Gone are the days I can throwing whatever crap I wish to on blogs...

Anyway, in this new year, I think I should restart a photography project of mine. A photo album of my key chains. As I've already gotten my 100mm Macro and a flash soon, I think the time is right. I've decided to call this album "My Little Kingdom" and it will probably be updated weekly. Wish me luck.

Been talking to a few colleagues about love. Sometimes, I feel a little sad that love has been reduced from a feeling to a skill. However, I can't deny that with appropriate skill, one will probably be much more successful in the field of love. 知己知彼,百战百胜。But won't it be nice if there's no skill and just feelings? No need to consider anything else, be together just for love. I sound almost like a little girl who read too many love novels.

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