Today has been a truly eventful day. Or rather, past few days. First, I got a earphone + MP3 player combo at about S$270. While a little too pricy for my liking (I was thinking more on the line of spending about S$200 in total), I must admit that the sound quality is really good. In fact, playing anything with a bitrate lower than 200 makes me feel like I'm wasting this setup. Sansa Fuze v2 + TripleFi 10.
Also went to church leader's meeting today... without myself being a leader! Hahahahahaha! Anyway, I really like the praise & worship at leader's meeting. They sing with lots of energy & passion, as if they really want to carry out what they sing. Oh, talking about this leader's meeting, I must talk about something that I am including into my workplan of the year. "Help ShenYu in his O level." This is a task issued by William and the target is ShenYu. I have yet to work out the details but I am ready to go. It should go along quite well with my A level re-revision. Hahahaha!
And since I'm visinting Jurong West, I took a few shots of the old church building. I really love that titanium facade. It gives off a mix of blue and yellow, something that is not even supposed to be possible! And I'm losing touch with my wide angle techniques... The shots didn't really turn out very nice. Need practice & improvement! Click to enlarge!
Wanted to take the same shot with 1/3 ground & 2/3 sky but somehow that idea slipped my mind.
I still love light streak. Hahahahahahaha!
A lot of people don't like my church. I understand. However, I cannot agree. No matter what, I will give you a smile and tell you "it's ok".