I realized that this place has become more and more like a pure photo blog. As I can hardly recall (or feel very strongly) about events happened else where by the time I reach home, I don't really have much to post now.

Feeling strangely (but not strongly) depressed for sometime already and I still don't understand why. I guess I'm just seeing "life" again. Some around me are pretending. I understand so it's ok. Some around me are angry. I understand so it's ok. Some around me are mourning. I understand so it's ok. Some around me are lost. I understand so it's ok. Some around me are happy. Hm... Don't really understand that. Anyway, this is life. Boring, same old same old. Would be nice if I can bring my cam to camp and capture them but unfortunately it's not allowed.

My flash just arrived. It's exciting indeed. It is the most excellent flash bought at the price of nearly half of what the other flash in this category would cost. I love my homeland (wanted to say love my country but it suddenly strikes me that I'm no longer a Chinese)! Reading it's menu and learning it's usage right now. I'll expand my creative capacities by leaps and bounds. But I must remember. Never fall into the old trap. Never expect anything from life. Anything that is good to me is a blessing of Him, anything bad is to be expected. Anything expected is just ok.

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