Kumamoto, a small town in the middle of nowhere. In Japan, urbanization is almost complete. Often, it's a little hard to tell whether one's in city or rural area. The border between the two is almost indistinguishable.

Azuma Sushi. One of the most traditional sushi restaurants I've been to.

Giant's arm!

Basashi. Raw horse meat, basically. The price of this makes people wonder why is having horse meat in your beef such a horrifying thing in Europe. :/ That tiny plate costs about S$25, J¥2100.

The awesome sushi with wasabi placed under the topping, as far as I know, practiced only by sushi chefs with high demands not only for themselves but for their customers too by demanding the customer to eat that specific amount of wasabi. He believes that is the right amount and no more or less should be used.

My sashimi set, tasting generally nice. Though personally, I don't think I eat raw fish often enough to tell how good or maybe bad this is.

The "awesome" set.

Concentration, concentration, this is a game of concentration.

A castle among trees.

Saw some seedlings there, probably student projects.

Grand, huh? Should have slanted my camera slightly so everything doesn't appear leaning left.

The two awesome people at the back. Ha!

Continue being awesome I see.


Reminds me of a scene from Utawarerumono.


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